Thursday, September 30, 2010

Research on Euthanasia

This blog will explore the concept of Euthanasia, otherwise the act known as mercy killing.

What is Euthanasia? Euthanasia is considered taboo in most cultures because many considered it immoral.

The definition of the word euthanasia is derived from two greek words "Eu" and "Thanatos" which can literally be translated to "good death". Euthanasia is when a patient requests to be relieved of his/her incurable suffering. Its should not be confused with suicide or being forced to kill someone as it is a completely different matter.

This link connects to a page that briefly summarizes New Zealand's standing on the topic of euthanasia. Euthanasia is still illegal in New Zealand. A bill called Death with dignity bill was proposed to the parliament on march 2003. If passed, the bill would allow terminally ill patients to relieve their pain by the act of mercy killing. Unfortunately the Death with dignity bill was dismissed and controversy still surround  the topic.

This article by Vanessa Ylagan is an argument against euthanasia. It states that no one has the right to take a life and that it is a sin against fellow men and to God. She also says that no matter how ill a person gets euthanasia should never be considered because all life is valuable.  The article has a religious point of view and disagrees strongly about euthanasia.

There are many pros and cons regarding the topic of euthanasia. The pros of euthanasia include easing the pain and suffering of terminal patients and die a peaceful death. Furthermore euthanasia allows the patient the right to decided whether to live or die. On the other hand euthanasia is considered to be immoral and unethical. Euthanasia is also illegal in most countries because it is still widely considered as the murder of human being.

Euthanasia is legal in the Netherlands. Voluntary euthanasia was accepted in the Netherlands since the early 1980's but not only in the year 2000 was is formally legalized by the Dutch parliament. There is a wide spread support for euthanasia among the Dutch and many consider it a humane way of ending a patients suffering.

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